FREE Printable Shapes Activities for Toddlers & Preschoolers
Looking for some fun, free, Shapes Activities for your toddler or preschooler? I’ve created this round up of free shapes printables so you can easily find just what you’re looking for.
We’ve got Shape Coloring Sheets, Shapes Playdoh Mats, Shape I Spy Games, Shape Tracing Worksheets, Shape Counting worksheets, Shape Flashcards, and a Shape Scavenger Hunt!
And, I’ll be adding more shape activities and printables over the next few months, so keep checking back!

I love that learning shapes doesn’t have to mean sitting down at a desk and doing a boring workbook these days! There are so many fun and easy ways to teach your toddler or preschooler their shapes in a fun, play-based way.
And, these free shapes printables, help you do just that!

Shape Playdough Mats / Coloring Sheets!
These Shape Playdough mats can also be used as coloring sheets if your little one is into coloring in.
Whether used as playdough mats or coloring sheets, they will be practicing their fine motor skills (necessary for writing later on) at the same time as learning their shapes! Win-Win!

Shape I Spy Game / Counting Worksheet
Great as a restaurant, road trip, or quiet time activity, this sheet incorporates shapes, counting, and fine motor skills all in one activity!
Color in the shapes and count how many of each you can find!

Shape Scavenger Hunt
A Scavenger Hunt is a brilliant, interactive way to learn new information!
Print off this fun Scavenger Hunt Sheet and send your kids off to search the house, classroom, backyard, or park to find as many shapes as they can!
There are more ideas for how to use this printable in the post!

Shape Flashcards
Flashcards don’t have to be done sitting at the table in a boring fashion! Why not try a few of these ways to bring learning shapes to life!
You could use these shapes flashcards to play hide and seek! Hide the flashcards around the house or classroom for your kids to find and then identify the shapes!
Send your kids off with a flashcard each and challenge them to find as many matching shapes around the room as they can before the timer goes off!
Pin the shapes up around the room and put on some music to dance to. When the music stops, shout out a shape and the kids have to run to stand by that shape before you turn around to check!
You could also print off two copies of these flashcards and then use them for a game of pairs! So many ways to use them!

Shape Tracing Activity
A Free Printable Preschool Kids can use to practice drawing their basic shapes! This Shape Tracing Activity includes two worksheets.
If you want to make it last longer, you could laminate the sheet and use whiteboard markers to practice with, making it reusable.

Shape Matching
Lastly, although not a printable, this is a lovely simple invitation to learn.
I set this one up before bed one evening and just left it for my daughter to find in the morning.
Great for teaching little one’s who don’t want to sit down and listen, but are always busy and on the go! They can work out the activity for themselves and come back to it throughout the day, when they want.
Instead of blocks, you could use different shapes you find around your home, or simply draw different shapes on pieces of card to be sorted into the baskets. A lovely flexible activity you can do with any combination of shapes you’re learning.
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