FREE Shape Tracing Printables
As a Mom of two, helping my kids learn in an easy and fun way is super important to me. My daughter is currently struggling a little with drawing her shapes, and so I have created these easy Shape Tracing Worksheets to help her. Then I figured, chances are there are other kids out there who could use a little shape drawing practice, so I have decided to offer these Shape Tracing Worksheets as FREE Printables to anyone else who might need them.
These 2 Worksheets cover 8 of the most common shapes and are suitable for Preschool, Kindergarten, and School-aged children. If your little one enjoys coloring, then they can also color in these shapes once they have finished tracing them. This is all good fine motor practice that will help them with their writing and drawing both now and in the long-term.

Shape Tracing Worksheet No.1
The first worksheet focuses on helping your little one to draw circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles. These are widely considered the most basic of shapes and so they are good ones to begin with. They are also the easiest to learn, so a good place to start building that self-confidence!

Shape Tracing Worksheet No.2
The second worksheet helps our kids learn to draw an oval, a pentagon, a diamond, and a star. These, in my opinion, are the next most common shapes to learn. They are slightly more difficult than the shapes on the first sheet, so I would recommend doing the sheets in this order.
How do I Get these Free Shape Tracing Printables?
To get your hands on my free Shape Tracing Worksheets, just click on the pink button below and you’ll be taken to the landing page for this freebie. There you will be asked for your name and email, so your Shape Tracing Worksheets can be sent straight to your inbox.
This Shapes Activity was great for helping my daughter learn to draw her shapes. My hope is that you will find it equally helpful for your kids. I also have a Free I Spy Shapes Printable, if you’re looking for another worksheet to reinforce shapes.
Right now, I am in the process of creating more shapes activities and printables, so keep an eye out for more coming soon!
If you’re interested in checking out some more of my free printables, take a look at the FREE Printables Page.
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