Valentines Day Sensory Bin : Feed the Love Monsters

My daughter loves this fun & easy Valentines Day Sensory Bin! I’ve included the FREE Printable Love Monster Faces I created for it so you can create this one in less than 10 minutes one evening ready for the next day!

Simply print off the Love Monster faces and stick them onto a bottle, or cup, with some glue. I use PVA glue so it comes off the cups I am using at the end of the activity. Previously, I have used a stronger glue and stuck the faces to old plastic bottles instead.

Pin text reads, Valentines day sensory bin ideas and has images of the feed the love monsters with cereal, another with dyed rice and a close up of feeding one.

I love how simple this Sensory Bin is, but also how easy it is to adapt to different ages and skill levels. Take a look at some of the ideas below for how you can adapt it to suit your needs.

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I just love an Easy & Fun Learning Activity, like this, with a seasonal theme that I can just print off and use straight away with my kids. It’s perfect for a last-minute activity!

** If you’d like to see some more Valentines Activities, here’s a few more I have…

Easy Valentines Sensory Table Ideas

Printable Valentines Color in Cards

Valentines I Spy Activity Sheet

Valentines Necklace Craft

Preschool Valentines Fine Motor Worksheets

Valentines Alphabet Match Printable

Valentines Shape Printable

Pin text reads Free valentines sensory bin printable and shows image of them printed out with a pair of scissors next to them and another picture of them in use in the sensory bin.

Valentines Day Sensory Bin Filler Ideas

You can create this Fun Valentines Sensory Bin using a variety of different fillers to ‘feed’ your Love Monsters. I have so far tried it with colored rice, cereal, and pom poms, but there are lots of other things you could use too, depending on the age and skill level of your child.

The first Sensory Bin Filler that I used for this activity was cereal. This is a great option for those with toddlers or any kids who still put things in their mouth.

Pin text reads, feed the monsters valentines sensory bin free printable faces! Images of the love monsters with cheerios to be fed and a close up of the cereal and a monster.

On the second go, I used pink, red, and white pom poms for my Valentines Day Sensory Bin. I found these worked well for Preschool kids as they are small and fiddly, giving them good fine motor skills practice.

You can also ask them to count out a certain number of pom poms to feed each monster to practice their counting skills. Buttons, coffee beans, chickpeas, peas, or small shells could also be used for this idea.

Pin text reads, feed the love monsters valentines sensory bin with free printable faces. Image of the love monsters set up with pom poms to be fed, another of the heart shape bowl of pom poms and another of a love monster.

Thirdly, I created a Valentines Day Sensory Bin with these Love Monsters using Red, Pink, and White Rice. If you haven’t dyed rice before, take a look at “How to Dye Rice for Sensory Play” to get some tips. It’s super easy and can be done in about 5 minutes. You just have to leave a few hours (or overnight) for it to dry.

Pin text reads, Feed the love monsters sensory bin ideas with free printable faces! Image of the sensory bin with dyed rice and another of the printable with scissors and another of a love monster being fed.

What are the Benefits of Sensory Bins?

There are so many benefits to this fun Valentines-themed activity! Here are some benefits your kids can get from playing with sensory bins.

  • Fine Motor Skills Practice
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Concentration
  • Counting Practice
  • Language & Vocabulary Development

Pin text reads, valentines sensory bin. The first image is the sensory bin with free printables in use, the second picture is them printed out with scissors, the third is them printed and cut out next to the cups they will be stuck to.

Grab Your Free Printables Here!

It’s easy to get these Love Monsters Printables to create your own Valentines Day Sensory Bin. It will only take you 5 minutes!

Just click on the pink button below, where it says “Grab your Free Love Monsters Printable here!’ This will take you to a form where you can enter your name and email and then your FREE Printable will be sent straight to your email!

Then you can print them out at home, ready to play right away! Great if you’re needing some last-minute Valentines-themed Preschool Activities!

Make sure to select the option, ‘fit to printable area’ in the advanced settings when printing. This makes sure the printable comes out looking it’s best.

You may choose to laminate the Love Monsters so that you can re-use them multiple times and they will manage more use from your kids.

I hope your little one’s enjoyed learning with this Free Printable!

If you liked this Love Monsters Sensory bin Printable, take a look at my collection of FREE Printables, in case there’s something else you like there!