Easter Books for Toddlers: The Best Available Now

Are you on the hunt for the best Easter books for toddlers? Easter means different things to different people. For some people, Easter is about celebrating Jesus resurrection, for others it’s about celebrating the arrival of Spring and new life, and for others it’s simply a fabulous excuse to indulge in a ton of chocolate eggs!

Whatever Easter means to you, there is a book to celebrate it. Check out these amazing Easter books for toddlers and choose your favourite. I have found Easter books telling the Easter story, Easter books about new life and Spring, and books about Easter egg hunts! There really is a book (or two or three!) for everyone!

As a childminder I care for a number of toddlers who, I’m pleased to say, are all little bookworms. These are the types of books they all absolutely love reading. The type of books they go back to again and again. Not only do they enjoy these books being read to them, but they will open them up and ‘read’ to themselves too.

Give your toddler an Easter gift that lasts. Choose one of these fab books for them to enjoy.

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The Best Easter Egg Hunt Books

The Easter Sound Book looks so much fun! Obviously it depends on your view of noisy kids books as to whether you’ll like this one! Some of us love them, some of us hate them. Personally, I am somewhere in-between. For me, it very much depends on whether the noise is annoying and loud, or not.

The sounds in this book are nature and spring related, so I wouldn’t have a problem with them. Your toddler can press the sound button to hear lambs in the field, ducks on the pond and birds in the trees.

There are also Easter eggs to be found on each page. A lovely, fun, interactive book for little people.

Check out the ‘Easter Sound Book’ on Amazon.

Peter Rabbit Easter Egg Hunt is a beautifully illustrated kid’s book. This hardback, pop-up book is guaranteed to delight young readers, and who doesn’t love Peter Rabbit! I feel that owning at least one Peter Rabbit book is a right of passage for every kid. Grab this cute Easter story, and help Peter find the Easter eggs on each page.

Check out ‘Peter Rabbit Easter Egg Hunt’ on Amazon.

My Magical Easter Bunny (Board book) engages your toddler with bright colours, fun pictures and opportunities to join in along the way. They can push, pull and slide various sections of the book out to add to the story. Kids learn best through interactive experiences and reading this book is certainly that!

Check out ‘My Magical Easter Bunny’ on Amazon.

The Best Books for Toddlers about Spring

‘That’s not my Bunny…’ is so cute! Whilst it’s topical at Spring and Easter time, it can also be enjoyed all year round by your little one.

This series of books is so unbelievably popular! All the toddlers I have ever known have owned one of the ‘That’s not my..’ books and they are well-loved. My two kids used to love them when they were little and the 1 year olds I childmind can’t get enough of them.

Your little one will have their interest piqued and expand their vocabulary, whilst learning through their sense of touch.

Check out ‘That’s not my Bunny..’ on Amazon.

Where’s Baby Chick, with felt flaps, is a lovely book about the animals that your little one can expect to see in Spring time. This is part of the Felt Flaps series which are super popular with the 1-2 year olds that I childmind.

Whilst I have found the conventional lift the flap books get ripped and squashed by eager little hands, these felt flaps are pretty much impossible to break.

The last page of the book has a mirror under the flap, so your little one can see their own face. This always seems to delight them.

I highly recommend this high quality, interactive and engaging learning series for toddlers.

Check out ‘Where’s Baby Chick (Felt Flaps) on Amazon

Easter Books for Toddlers: The Easter Story

Whether you are a Christian, or just want your kid to know the biblical Easter story as part of their general knowledge, these Easter books for toddlers are both winners.

A Very Happy Easter (Interactive Retelling) tells the biblical story of Easter in a toddler-friendly way. With bright and engaging illustrations, and lots of opportunity for them to think about how the characters felt in the story, this book would make a special Easter gift for any toddler.

Check out ‘A Very Happy Easter’ on Amazon.

Lift-the-flap Easter Story is a fab Easter book for toddlers who learning the biblical Easter story for the first time. With flaps to lift and engaging pictures, this is a lovely little book.

Check out ‘Lift-the-Flap Easter Stories for Young Children’ on Amazon.

The Best Easter and Spring Activity Books

The National Trust’s Sticker book, Getting Ready for Spring looks amazing! Help your little one learn all about nature and the wildlife all around them in Spring with this fun sticker book.

This book provides lots of opportunities to develop your toddlers speech and vocabulary as you discuss what you see. It also builds on their fine motor skills as they peel and stick the stickers.

Check out ‘The National Trust’s, Getting Ready for Spring’ on Amazon.

This Easter Dot Markers Activity Book is designed with little ones in mind. Engaging and a great way to practice those fine motor skills in preparation for writing!

The bright colours and fun pictures on the front invite engagement for your toddler.

Check out ‘Happy Easter Dot Markers Activity Book’ on Amazon.

If it’s an Easter colouring book you’re after, then you can’t get much better than this. It boasts big pictures that are easy to colour-in with chunky crayons, felt tip pens or paint. This is the perfect colouring gift for a budding little artist.

Check out this Easter Colouring Book on Amazon.

Easter Books for Toddlers

I hope you have now managed to find the perfect Easter book to gift to the special little toddler in your life. While I was researching this list, I was amazed at the choice and quality of the books out there. There truly is one to suit every toddler.

As your kid gets older, be sure to check out my Easter Books for 4 – 7 years olds: The best options.

If you are interested in other non-edible Easter gifts for your little one, take a look at, Easter Basket Gift Ideas for Pre-schoolers.

I hope you and your family have a lovely Easter, however you choose to celebrate.