Fall Shoes : A Fun Preschool Craft for Autumn
Are you looking for an interesting and unique Fall preschool craft for your little one this Autumn? These Fall shoes are the perfect craft for the Preschool kid who’s done it all! Something a little out of the ordinary.
They’re also great for playing dress-up with!
Whilst these Fall shoes are different and interesting, they also use items you probably already have at home, or Preschool, making this craft super budget-friendly. It’s also low-prep and easy to create.
The best of both worlds, both for you and your Preschooler!
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If you’re looking for more Autumn / Fall Craft ideas take a look at, Autumn Necklace: An Easy, DIY Preschool Craft for Fall and Autumn Leaf Headband: A Fun and Easy Preschooler Activity.
For lots of fun sensory play activities for Autumn take a look at, Autumn Tuff Tray Ideas and Sensory Play Activities for Fall.
Making these fall shoes was pretty easy and super fun!
I used our Tuff Tray to stop any of my bits and pieces from rolling off the table, and then left them there to dry, rather than taking up space on the kitchen table. It also kept the mess to a minimum, which I love!
If you’re considering a Tuff Tray, take a look at the links below.
- Alternatively, you can take a look at the Tuff Tray we have from Amazon.
Now, on with the craft!
What You Need to Make Your Fall Shoes
There are only a few items needed to make these gorgeous Fall Shoes Preschool Craft.
I found most of these items lying around my house already, so hopefully you will too!
You Need:
- 2 plastic milk bottles
- Old newspapers or magazines
- PVA glue
- Water
- Fall Leaves
- Paintbrush + tub for mixing
- Fall colored tissue paper
- Glitter (in fall colours)
- Foam sticks / ribbon / string for the straps
- Super glue to stick on the straps and leaves
I used artificial leaves, like these from Amazon, for this craft, because there aren’t many trees near where I live.
Real or artificial, they work just as well.
Instructions For Making Your Fall Shoes
Step 1: Rip the Newspaper into Strips and Cut the Milk Bottles to Size
The first step in making your Fall preschool craft is to cut your milk bottles so that they resemble the picture above.
Use your Preschooler’s foot as your guide when deciding how long to make your Fall Shoe.
Then rip up your newspaper into small strips ready to be used for paper mache.
Lastly, mix water and PVA glue to form the paper mache paste.
The ideal ratio for this is 1 part glue to 2 parts water. This doesn’t need to be measured out precisely. A rough estimate will do fine. If in doubt, err on the side of more glue.
Step 2: Paper Mache the Milk Bottle ‘Shoe’
Cover the milk bottle ‘shoe’ in your PVA glue and water mixture.
Then stick on one of your small strips of newspaper. Cover it in a layer of the glue mixture.
Continue until the whole of the ‘shoe’ is covered in a layer of newspaper.
Then do another layer of newspaper to make it a little thicker.
Step 3: Cover Your Fall Shoes in Tissue Paper
The next step is to cover your shoes in fall-coloured tissue paper.
Follow the same steps for paper mache with the newspaper, for the tissue paper.
I did 2/3 layers of tissue paper to ensure the newspaper didn’t show through.
You don’t need to wait for each layer to dry when you do this. Just keep piling those layers on.
Then while it was all still wet, I sprinkled on the fall-colored glitter.
Then I set out my super glue and foam sticks in preparation for step 4.
Step 4: Glue on the Shoe Straps
Step 4 is to use your super glue to stick on your Fall Shoes straps.
I used foam sticks for this, as that’s what I had to hand. However, you could also use a ribbon or string.
I switched from PVA to super glue for this step to make the straps strong enough for my Preschooler to use her craft for dressing up fun!
Lastly, I got my fall leaves ready for the last step!
Step 5: Glue on the Fall Leaf Decorations
Lastly I spread a thin layer of superglue along the top straps and stuck on 3 fall leaves to each shoe.
To hold it in place while it dried, I used a few clothes pegs.
Fall Shoes: A Unique and Interesting Preschool Fall Craft
These Fall shoes are so fun to make and a completely unique craft for a Preschool kid to make this Autumn.
I hope you and your Preschooler share as much enjoyment in making these as we did in our home.