Search Results for: shape activities

An image of my free printable Easter egg and chick shape matching activity for preschoolers.

FREE Spring Shapes Matching Hatching Chicks Printable for Shapes Activities

A Cute Spring Learning Activity for Preschoolers, this Hatching Chicks Spring Shapes Matching Printable is FREE to download as an easy PDF file! Ideal for your Toddler or Preschool Shapes Activities! Learning shapes in Preschool doesn’t have to involve sitting at a desk doing a worksheet! Research has shown that little kids learn best through…

cover photo for free shapes printables shows 5 of the printables available.

FREE Printable Shapes Activities for Toddlers & Preschoolers

Looking for some fun, free, Shapes Activities for your toddler or preschooler? I’ve created this round up of free shapes printables so you can easily find just what you’re looking for. We’ve got Shape Coloring Sheets, Shapes Playdoh Mats, Shape I Spy Games, Shape Tracing Worksheets, Shape Counting worksheets, Shape Flashcards, and a Shape Scavenger…

An image of my free printable valentines shapes preschool activity mid way through being completed.

Valentines Shapes Preschool Activity with Free Printable

If you’re looking for fun Valentines Shapes Activities, you’ll love this easy Valentine Shapes Free Printable! Interesting and hands-on, I created this Valentines Shapes Preschool Activity to make shape-matching more exciting for your little ones! Whether you’re a parent or teacher, these Valentines Learning Activities are a great way to help your kids practice shape…

Image of kid throwing colored balls into boxes with colors red, blue, yellow, and green on them.

15+ Easy Toddler Throwing Activities to get that urge out of their system!

Do you have a Toddler who is forever throwing things? Looking for ways to stop them? Throwing itself is not actually a bad thing. In fact, it’s a skill they will be expected to master as they get older. But what do you do when they keep throwing things that aren’t meant to be thrown?…

color teaching activities post cover shows a tuff tray with basket of items of different colors and around the tuff tray are 6 colored circles of primary and secondary colors for items to be sorted onto.

10+ Easy Color Activities Preschool Kids and Toddlers will Love!

Are you looking for fun and engaging ideas for teaching colors to toddlers or preschoolers? Learning should be fun at this age and play-based wherever possible. That’s why I created these easy, ‘prep in 5 minutes’, color activities preschool kids and toddlers can learn from. Whether your kid loves water play, coloring, throwing, or matching,…

Text reads budget friendly and low prep summer camp ideas and there is an image of kids on a diy waterslide.

12 Super Simple & Ridiculously Fun Summer Camp Activities on a Budget!

Looking for Fun, Out-of-the-Box, Summer Camp Activities that last hours and can be done on a tight Budget? You’re going to want to take a look at these! I have a mixture of activities. Some take an hour to do to, while others will last an entire day! They range from energetic games, to artistic…